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Robert E. Vardeman
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Welcome to the Cenotaph Road website,
Robert E. Vardeman proprietor

Engineering Infinity has been launched! The first title in the series, Dust of Stars won a New Mexico/Arizona Book Award (so did the 3rd title, The Crown Joule) I think the second one, Shatter Time, is pretty good, too. Give 'em all a look.

It's been a long time since I worked on this site. I am trying to figure out WordPress and start a new site, but I know html and don't know the arcane stuff for WordPress, so that site is taking a *lot* longer to establish. Until then, please rummage around here. And if you haven't done so, sign up for the Cenotaph Road Newsletter....the mailing list link is above.

Other than idling away the time these past four years since I updated, yes, that long, I have done a passel of westerns (22 to be exact. Some are under the Jackson Lowry pen name, the others are ghost written and I signed a draconian NDA about them. If you're a western fan, zip on over to Amazon to check the titles. Got a great short story in an anthology due to be released any day now, Through Western Storms)

But other stuff is in there, you betcha. Richard Prosch and I have have begun a s&s fantasy series with magic and mechs and all kinds of wild and wooly stuff...the first title is aobve. The second is due out any day now. Fun for s&s fans.)

Buconicon is coming up August 23-25 and I'll be there. Look me up. See people throw things at me during my hour long presentation on Saturday when I defend AI. I love the idea of finally being able to do artwork that's more than a weird scribble. I use AI for writing things, too--and no, I don't use it to plagiarize. The headscratcher for me was the college prof who got into trouble for plagiarizing his own work. Go figure, but those are the times we live in.


My e-books on the catalog page. Great stuff.

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About the site. What follows is a glimpse at the science fiction and fantasy writing I've done, including the Cenotaph Road series, God of War™, Star Trek™ and BattleTech™/ MechWarrior™, Vor:The Maelstrom™, Crimson Skies™, Pathfinder™, Traveller™, Master of Orion™. Be sure to go to the Store link for free fiction and print and e-book publishing. Read ole Karl Lassiter's 2009 NM Book Award nominated novel, Drifter or the 2011 Scribe Award nominated God of War. Don't overlook the 2011 NM Book Award and WF Peacemaker nominee for best novel , Sonora Noose. Or the 2012 nominee for best anthology, Golden Reflections. Or the 2013 nominated China Jack, 2014 the Fate of the Kinunir and 2016 The Burning Man Anomaly. 2017 Western Fictioneers Lifetime Achievement. NM Book Awards for Dust of Stars and Crown Joule.


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